LBC steunt 100m luchtbuks competitie

LBC-RTI support the 100 meter airguncompetition


Of course, we couldn't be left behind! With the many ex-winning rifles (Edgun, RAW, Taipan and RTI Prophet) that LBC imported and sold in the past, something new had to happen again.
Together with RTI Arms in Slovenia, that has now happened! A Mora Std. .22 has been made available by RTI Slovenia to the 100 meter crew for this current season. 
This promises to be something very nice again.
The Mora stands out from previous models and competitors in many ways. It has been given a solid “chunky” and industrial-looking design. Ready for a lot of power. But at the same time, it has a velvety soft side.... At low pressure with pellets, it also shoots very well. Super consistent speeds. Deviations of 1meter per second are very common. That's because you can tune it easy.
You can fine tune the regulator (up and down) from about 60 bar. Then you can fine tune the hammer spring tension and to top it off, you can adjust the dwelltime with the star shaped knob that directly controls the valve. Then you have a huge field of possibilities. Oh yes: Important: You can also set the depth of the probe. After all, the projectile should slide nicely against/in the rifling. Especially with pellets, the probe must be set a bit deeper because of the depth in the skirt. Slugs do not suffer from this, they often have a flat bottom.

The fact that RTI Slovenia are continuing their innovative improvements is evidenced by the fact that they now have an oversized Valvestem that is very easy to change. With earlier RTI Models, the entire rifle had to be taken apart. A very time-consuming job. With the Mora: Unscrew and remove the nut and exchange. In just 5 minutes!
The first tests were immediately very good, which is good news. We have experienced this very differently from a lot of manufacturers before. Then the information flow from influencers was “Amazing!” and after some shooting sessions we thought : How did they ever achieve tose reults with this airgun? First half lied and second half exaggerated? :-)
Well... That's no fun as a consumer. Is it a rifle for everyone? Certainly not, tastes differ of course. Is it a rifle for precision enthusiasts? Absolutely!!!




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